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jueves, 6 de abril de 2023

What if… in moments like these we were more equipped?


This week we experienced another tragedy. Another senseless act that never should have happened.

But we have to stop and ask ourselves: what was your church's response to the shooting we saw in Tennessee? Was it confusion and sadness? Anger and frustration? Or maybe you didn't respond at all. Maybe it's easier to turn a blind eye to the mayhem that's going on in the world.

Here's what I want to tell you: What if, in moments like these, we were more equipped?

What if….

  • You gave people the tools and resources to process their emotional and mental health?

  • You equipped your team to properly deal with 'tough' situations?

  • Your community came to you in the midst of the crisis?

We believe this is all possible That's why Share the Struggle created high-quality courses lead by experts like Dr. Caroline Leaf and Matthias Barker. In our 6 to 8 week courses we tackle struggles like trauma, anxiety, loss and much more. From a full leader training and course library, to workbooks and counseling tools — you, your team and your congregation can overcome your emotional and mental health struggles once and for all.

And, because we've seen the need for our courses so much this week, we want to extend the offer for you and your staff to participate in one of our life-changing courses — for free. No strings attached. All you need to do is show up.

Schedule a call to setup your FREE staff course here!

Will you help lead the way in showing churches how to respond to tragedies like we saw this week?

We need you in this with us!

Share the Struggle


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