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martes, 4 de abril de 2023

Do we even know what to do after a shooting!?

Hey there,

The latest mass shooting left us devastated. From Share the Struggle team members who live in the impacted community, to those who are supporting churches as they scramble to respond. This week left all of us wondering what we should do when faced with such evil.

Where do you start? First, hope for the revival of the world's emotional and mental health. And then, do something about it.

Share the Struggle believes a response of hope is where churches become leaders in the community. That, by offering courses on emotional and mental health, people are able to walk into your church and experience the hope found in Jesus.

Here's how we want to walk alongside you in making that happen:

We want you to offer you high-quality courses led by experts like Dr. Caroline Leaf and Matthias Barker. In our 6 to 8 week courses we tackle struggles like trauma, anxiety, loss and much more. From a full leader training and course library, to workbooks and counseling tools — you, your team and your congregation can take the steps to experience hope and restoration.

To hear more about what our courses look like and how you can easily implement them at your church, schedule a demo. Here you'll have the chance to ask questions and experience, first hand, how biblical truth and counseling practices make all the difference.

To schedule your demo call click here!

We can't wait to talk with you more,

Share the Struggle


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