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jueves, 22 de enero de 2015

Go Solar – Go Clean – OBAMA ALLOWED

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US Solar Dept
Your area has qualified for new solar programs that may reduce your power bill by as much as 80%. You must be a homeowner and have fair credit to qualify.
Energy Payment Savings

Current Utility Payment: $189.60

New Utility Payment: $37.92
Solar Payment: $88.00
TOTAL SAVINGS: $764.16/year
* This is an example for illustrative purposes only. Your personal savings may vary.
  • Take advantage of government incentives for a limited time
  • Qualify for no out of pocked expense
  • Increase the value of your home
  • Protect yourself against inflation and rising energy rates

This message is an advertisement.
If you no longer wish to receive offers from send mail to
3080 S. Durango Drive #109 Las Vegas, NV 89117,
or you may click here to unsubscribe.

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