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lunes, 26 de enero de 2015

From: Fidelity Investments International (London)Oakhill
house, 130 Tonbridge, Hildenborough.
Kent TN119DZ, United Kingdom.

Dear Sir,

I got your contact from my Google research. I trust my instinct and my instinct has never failed me in the past. I am convinced that you are the person who can assist me in this pending transaction.

I am Mr. Douglas Smith, A Fund Manager with the Fidelity Investment International UK. I am contacting you based on my personal interest to develop a mutual business relationship with you in your country. The amount and terms of executing the deal will be made known to you upon receiving a positive response from you.I solicit for your assistance to execute this transaction.

I will give you a complete picture of this transaction as soon as I hear from you.

I look forward to hearing from you soonest.

Mr. Douglas Smith

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