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martes, 18 de junio de 2024

Organic Water Soluble Fertilizers

To Whom It May Concern,

Warm greetings!

I'm Sheila from FULVICHINA®, as a professional Manufacturer of biostimulant water soluble organic fertilizers. Our extensive range of products includes Humic Acid, Potassium Humate, Sodium Humate, Fulvic Acid, Amino Acid, Seaweed Extract and more. These fertilizers are derived from natural sources and are highly beneficial for plant growth and development.

* quickly absorbed by plant roots;

* enhance microbial activity in the soil;

* rich source of plant hormones, trace minerals, and amino acids;

* increase photosynthesis, and enhance plant resistance to diseases and pests.

We would love the opportunity to cooperate with your esteemed company. Please let us know your thoughts.


Best Regards,

Tianjin Fulvic Biotech Co., Ltd.

E-mail: sheila (at) 
Wechat:  +86 182 2221 9836 (WhatsApp)

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