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domingo, 23 de octubre de 2016

Crazy Artist- 13 Presets for LR 542296 FREE Download

Crazy Artist- 13 Presets for LR 542296
DNG | JPG | 307 MB

''Crazy Artist''- 13 Presets for LR in DNG format with my specific color and contrast corections. If you made a photo in the night time and it's too gray and without any interesting colors- so you can try my decision of this problem- this presets for LR.

Instruction for using this presets:

Open this files and your photos in one catalog oi Lightroom and copy the corrections from one of my files. Paste it on your photo. You can also explore this DNG files in Lightroom to understand my logic and feeling of colors while i was making this corrections. Use DNG files for Lightroom.
Photoshop »Actions *.ATN



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