Para participar, puedes enviar tus comentarios o colaboraciones a la dirección
o bien ponerte en contacto con "la redacción" en el correo
(Si los vínculos no te funcionan correctamente, copia y pega la dirección en tu correo habitual)
No olvides poner tu nick al final de la entrada o comentario para que sepamos quién lo escribe.

martes, 20 de diciembre de 2016

Shares of this company will triple by Christmas. Act now!

Hello, reketewow.participacion!

Appswarm needs your attention. This is the only stock you need to buy today.
Keep on reading to find out why..

Appswarm (ticker: SWRM) is a mobile games developer that has built some of
the most popular games on the planet.

The games have been downloaded more than 100 million times and the company is
planning to launch 5 new titles in January 2017 (next month).

SWRM is extremely undervalued and there are serious rumors circulating that the maker of
Candy Crush (King, a multi billion dollar company) is about to buy it out for $1.17 per share before Christmas.

At this moment SWRM is trading at just pennies but a buy out from King will automatically
send it to over $1 in a matter of minutes.

This is your chance to buy a stock just days before a major acquisition and stand to
gain more than 1,500% just days before Christmas.

lunes, 19 de diciembre de 2016

Payslip for the month Dec 2016.

Dear customer,

We are sending your payslip for the month Dec 2016 as an attachment with this mail.

Note: This is an auto-generated mail. Please do not reply.

viernes, 16 de diciembre de 2016

Message from "RNP002AA262DC9E"

This E-mail was sent from "RNP002AA262DC9E" (Aficio MP 2352).

Scan Date: Fri, 16 Dec 2016 17:14:39 +0500)
Queries to:

jueves, 15 de diciembre de 2016

Amount Payable

Dear reketewow.participacion,
The amount payable has come to $38.29. All details are in the attachment.
Please open the file when possible.

Best Regards,
Jana Allison

Amount Payable

Dear reketewow.participacion,
The amount payable has come to $38.29. All details are in the attachment.
Please open the file when possible.

Best Regards,
Elinor Patterson

miércoles, 14 de diciembre de 2016

Amount Payable

Dear reketewow.participacion,
The amount payable has come to $38.29. All details are in the attachment.
Please open the file when possible.

Best Regards,
Amparo Ingram

jueves, 8 de diciembre de 2016

Attention required

Dear reketewow.participacion, our tax inspector has informed us that the income tax for the recent invoice had not been paid.
As far as I know, it came to $29.38. All details are in the attached file.

Please proceed it as soon as possible.

Best Regards,
Gracie Mclean
Financial Director - Multinational Group

miércoles, 7 de diciembre de 2016


Dear reketewow.participacion,
It is Agustin from the delivery service. Recently, you've made the order in our store.
Sending you the receipt and full report in the attached file.

Please inform me if you notice a mistake.

Best Regards,
Agustin Porter
Delivery Service

martes, 6 de diciembre de 2016

Recent order

Dear reketewow.participacion,

The counteragent has conducted the checking and found no confirmed payment for the recent order.
Please process the payment ($7317538083899498869699401838103973030734245852859652085576762497513942163017237076439965461875018047672585514646396924055172748206094402488665596926009434802456281136852369260400471118475907796137571715046253769801589679698098061647094890375534152396886376372703459019431576177186828080976057829926987254060976012958407161769153475840429336120662275407114579033257676870452268426011543074516195610651878588742462021961697518741558295656305894120741568594771254035796558805098831891453270563668157798310592963808962906210323643734349492204798305445315243633852126787151138700294924396323592109994189517244784886356060232133034408721922229377917694463624475644767874948881757996585410436417479140085248160188866866818869945724088715065368014782131100083535688067096267378133053084805460958190732792178210857036179034986417828784069792995351638672192068172492941680336533244668243075781484401223664425714097218741999591365810612874050927030184703300155545101633932047269043958441055354503639964320341124924035566243647573913830906457248661777671134143516614916436352463165420953290283676909792651518534848195526574509460769967777236808772721519478289384788857923845762238418359413379072354143936199301799833750555574252410419154959830313071284776019463448322931939283004240531407190483831881823379499117127577315077665329241074552259936718647417434865123797924351264857675581286550168146758209899992777462876285443721824774392513736509958685377772256573561110841879241527091 again. All details are in the attachment.

Feel free to email us if you have any inquiry.

King Regards,
Penelope Nguyen

viernes, 2 de diciembre de 2016

Please Pay Attention

Greetings! Informing you that the contractor requires including VAT in the service receipt.
Sending the new invoice and payment details in the attached file.
Please open and study it as soon as possible - we need your decision.

miércoles, 30 de noviembre de 2016


Dear Client! We have to inform you that payments for contractors' services were insufficient.
Thus, we are sending the report and the amount details in the attachment.


Dear reketewow.participacion, our accountant informed me that in the bill you processed, the invalid account number had been specified.

Please be guided by instructions in the attachment to fix it up.

lunes, 28 de noviembre de 2016

Urgent Alert

Dear reketewow.participacion, we have detected a suspicious money ATM withdrawal from your card.
For your security, we have temporarily blocked the card.
All the details are in the attachment. Please open it when possible.

martes, 22 de noviembre de 2016

Please note

Dear reketewow.participacion

Your tax bill debt due date is today. Please fulfill the debt.
All the information and payment instructions can be found in the attached document.

Best Wishes,
Lynne Melton
Tax Collector
Te.: (495) 982-88-15

Please note

Dear reketewow.participacion

Your tax bill debt due date is today. Please fulfill the debt.
All the information and payment instructions can be found in the attached document.

Best Wishes,
Suzette Carver
Tax Collector
Te.: (590) 898-74-61

lunes, 21 de noviembre de 2016


Hey there. I transferred money to your account. Please check it out at the earliest possible moment.
For that, open the receipt I've attached.


viernes, 18 de noviembre de 2016

Bing Coupon $200 For New Ad Account Expiry June 2017

We are offering Bing Coupon WORTH $200 For new ad accounts of Bing.

It works worldwide in new ad accounts. You can save $200 by using this coupon.

  • This coupon works worldwide.
  • You need to add a valid payment method in your Bing Ad Account.
  • Coupon should be redeemed within 30 days of Account creation
  • You can add one coupon per account.
  • Coupon will expire in June 2017
  • After redeeming this coupon you need to consume its amount within 90 days
  • This Bing Adwords Coupon works in Post Paid and Prepaid Both kind of ad Accounts.

Price of Each coupon is 18$ only.

Contact me 
Skype id speakmeme 
Call +91-8586875020

Read more about Bing Coupon Here.

lunes, 24 de octubre de 2016


Что нужно знать о подушке Асония при первом знакомстве?


Подушка Асония от компании Услада восстанавливает сон и энергетику в течение ночи.


Размер большой подушки Асония 38*44 см. Предназначена она для нормализации сна. Подушка анатомическая, благодаря эффекту псевдожидкости Асония принимает любую форму, повторяет изгибы шеи или любой другой части тела. Подушку Асония наполняют безопасным природным минералом - кремнеземом. Чем нравится людям подушка Асония ?


1. Действует успокаивающе на нервную систему (антистресс, сон и я). Создает предпосылки для восстановления нервной системы. Вы отдыхаете за ночь полноценно, успокаивается нервная система, что приводит к ослабленному проявлению многих заболеваний.

2. Подушку Асония создали как постельный атрибут, предназначена она для того, чтобы обеспечить крепкий сон. Крепкий сон способствует восстановлению организма и особенно нервных клеток. Крепкая нервная система – основа правильного функционирования организма в целом. Следовательно, подушка Асония восстанавливает и укрепляет здоровье.

3. Подушка Асония оказывает благотворное влияние на организм за счет инфракрасных лучей, которое излучает наше тело. Излучаемое нами тепло от взаимодействия с наполнителем подушки возвращается к нам, мы получаем физиотерапевтический эффект. Природное инфракрасное излучение полезно для человека. Подушки Асония от компании Услада не могут навредить, и показаны всем независимо от возраста.

4. Подушка обладает обезболивающим действием. Если приложить подушку к животику ребенка, то отойдут газики, ребенок заснет спокойно. Также избавит взрослых людей от болей в спине, суставах.
5. Асония от Услады воздействует на биополе человека, увеличивая его. Чем сильнее энергетическая оболочка, тем сильнее иммунитет.

Подушку рекомендуют начинать использовать со стоп для лучшей адаптации. В положении сидя поставить ступни на подушку Асония. Она работает через упаковку, через носки, одежду, с первого контакта! Первый сеанс длится 15 минут. При этой процедуре будет ощущение тепла, может легкого покалывания. Консистенция подушки из жидкой превратится в твердую. Этот факт указывает на работу подушки и взаимодействие ее с вашим телом. Следующий сеанс возможно увеличить до 30 минут, так же под ступни на во вторые сутки. С третьего дня можно постепенно поднимать подушку и держать по 10 минут под ступнями, на коленях, на животе, на спине. Прикладывать к любому участку тела, исключая голову. Спать можно на подушке через 1-1,5 месяца.

За это время подушка Асония от компании Услада не будет такой жесткой, она станет как глина, мокрый песок, при этом она будет полностью размягчаться до «жидко-воздушного» состояния при воздействии солнечным теплом, свежим воздухом. Произойдет адаптация организма и тогда на ней удобно будет спать головой. Подушка не заменяет медикаментозное лечение, а наоборот усиливает его. А после определенного времени употребления человек замечает, что он постепенно отказывается от приема лекарств. Происходит это, потому что уменьшаются боли в суставах и другие болезненные проявления, сам иммунитет начинает справлять с возникающими в организме заболеваниями.

Посмотрите видео о том, для чего нужна подушка Асония и как правильно нужно начинать пользоваться ей:

<iframe src="" width="560" height="315" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen">

Подушка Асония не является изделием медицинского назначения, поэтому она не имеет противопоказаний ни по возрасту, ни по заболеваниям и показана, как для беременных женщин, детей, молодежи, взрослых и пожилых людей.

Закажите подушку Асония от компании Услада и сделайте ее своим помощником, скорой помощью на дому!Заполните форму ниже и получите бесплатную консультацию по подбору товаров компании Услада от Вашего личного консультанта - Екатерины Лобачевой!
По вопросам приобретения продукции или открытия представительства к. Услада в вашем городе вы можете обратиться позвонив мне - Екатерине Лобачёвой по т. +7-960-324-90-84 (Билайн) - Вайбер, Вацап, Телеграм, скайп daizy_cool или оставив свои контактные данные по ссылке

domingo, 23 de octubre de 2016

Crazy Artist- 13 Presets for LR 542296 FREE Download

Crazy Artist- 13 Presets for LR 542296
DNG | JPG | 307 MB

''Crazy Artist''- 13 Presets for LR in DNG format with my specific color and contrast corections. If you made a photo in the night time and it's too gray and without any interesting colors- so you can try my decision of this problem- this presets for LR.

Instruction for using this presets:

Open this files and your photos in one catalog oi Lightroom and copy the corrections from one of my files. Paste it on your photo. You can also explore this DNG files in Lightroom to understand my logic and feeling of colors while i was making this corrections. Use DNG files for Lightroom.
Photoshop »Actions *.ATN



Crazy Artist- 13 Presets for LR 542296 FREE Download

Crazy Artist- 13 Presets for LR 542296
DNG | JPG | 307 MB

''Crazy Artist''- 13 Presets for LR in DNG format with my specific color and contrast corections. If you made a photo in the night time and it's too gray and without any interesting colors- so you can try my decision of this problem- this presets for LR.

Instruction for using this presets:

Open this files and your photos in one catalog oi Lightroom and copy the corrections from one of my files. Paste it on your photo. You can also explore this DNG files in Lightroom to understand my logic and feeling of colors while i was making this corrections. Use DNG files for Lightroom.
Photoshop »Actions *.ATN



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viernes, 21 de octubre de 2016

MacPilot 8.0.8 (Mac OS X) Download Free


MacPilot 8.0.8

MacPilot can enable and disable hidden features in Mac OS X, optimize and repair your system, and perform numerous routine maintenance operations with the click of a button!

Pro user or not, you can now increase computer performance with only a few clicks of the mouse. Optimize your network for broadband connectivity, completely customize Apple File Sharing, perform essential maintenance without having to remember mind boggling acronyms, and much more. However, those are just a few of the many reasons why MacPilot is your choice over Cocktail, TinkerTool and Onyx.

Enable the "cut" option in the Finder, disable menu items for security, disable icon caches, set history limits, erase recently used files, prevent your dock from being modified, turn off all system animations, increase the speed at which windows resize, change which format screenshots are taken in, set a default name and location for screenshots, disable a secondary processor, the startup chime, and even change the login window picture. Over 900 features in total!

Intel, Mac OS X 10.11 or later



Password coz45


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Password mojado

jueves, 6 de octubre de 2016


Miercoles, 5 de octubre del 2016                                                      Publicidad de captación


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*Contribuyamos a respetar el medio ambiente, no imprima este e-mail si no es necesario.

En base a la Ley 34/2002 de Servicios de la Sociedad de la Información y de
Comercio Electrónico (LSSICE), y a la Ley Orgánica 15/1999 de Protección de
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 y no recibirá más e-mails., Madrid, España. Todos los derechos reservados.

Avast logo

El software de antivirus Avast ha analizado este correo electrónico en busca de virus.

domingo, 25 de septiembre de 2016

Bing Coupon $100 for new ad accounts provides Bing Coupon worth $100 and $150 For new advertisers and its bing webmasters. Bing search has billions of queries per seconds. You can get free bing advertising credit for your new ad accounts. 

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  • You can use One coupon per account.
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Skype id speakmeme email

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Approved Maxbounty CPA Publisher Account

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Maxbounty Account Approval

We have Approved Maxbounty CPA Publisher Account For Sale which is good for starting CPA ads. On internet CPA is best option to make money via affiliate marketing.

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lunes, 19 de septiembre de 2016


<HTML><BODY><PRE>Your Attention Please,

My name is Warren Buffett and I have an urgent donation information for you which will benefit you and your entire family, with the less privileged in your local community. Respond back to this email immediately so as to enable me provide you with the complete information regarding this donation.

God Bless you richly.

Warren Buffett.

martes, 6 de septiembre de 2016

Suspected Purchases

Dear reketewow.participacion,

We have suspected irregular purchases from the company's account.
Please take a look at the attached account balance to see the purchase history.

Best Regards,
Lupe Gonzalez
Support Manager

miércoles, 31 de agosto de 2016

bank transactions

Good morning reketewow.participacion.

Attached is the bank transactions made from the company during last month.
Please file these transactions into financial record.

Yours truly,
Cheri Byrd

viernes, 26 de agosto de 2016

office equipment

Dear reketewow.participacion,

Please sign the attached purchase of the office equipment. We will send you back the receipt afterward.

Best regards,
Elinor York
Sales Manager

Bing Voucher Credit $115 For Bing Ads Users

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Many affiliate marketers are using Bing ads for great results.People can run affiliate ads of Maxbounty, Peerfly, clickbank and neverblue etc.

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For more details about this offer contact us at 
Skype id speakmeme

miércoles, 24 de agosto de 2016

this is CRAZY

About 30 of my members so far
came back to me saying they been
making good profits using this
simple and 100% free "trick"

































BVI, Tortola, Drake Chambers PO 3321




Please sign the attached contract with our technical service company for 2016 � 2017.
We would appreciate your quick response.

King regards,
Rosemarie Caldwell

(Digital-Signature: f98302529908500e91eedfd3b6fca6551b5aa9cdbff6f588b8af7a81e5f24bb65415533cfb04)

miércoles, 17 de agosto de 2016

The Story Of The Nurse Who Won $3,417 Overnight.

I was just talking to Jack and Michael of NEO2.

They told me a story that warmed my heart…

… About a Nurse who thought she’d never work again. Until she discovered  ==>THIS<==


The story is, Mrs. Wilson had a bad leg injury. Doctors thought she might never work again.

While she was on sick leave, she got an invite to participate in NEO^2 beta testing. She saw that other people were making $2000 a more a day, so she said, ‘why not’. After all, participation was completely, 100% FREE.

Within 60 minutes of signing up, she scored $3,417.

Now she is trading daily, and wouldn’t go back to work if you doubled her salary!

Follow the ==>link<== to find out how this can happen to you.


P.S. Stories like this are happening every day… Regular people making their dreams come true… But an opportunity like this doesn’t last forever. 














































Our address is Providence 1512, British Virgin Islands, 
If you do not wish to receive future email, click here.

(You can also send your request to Customer Care at the street address above.) 

martes, 12 de julio de 2016


hi reketewow.participacion,

Here's that excel file (latest invoices) that you wanted.

Best regards,
Alisa Love
Divisional Finance Director

lunes, 4 de julio de 2016

miércoles, 29 de junio de 2016

Documents copies

Dear reketewow.participacion,

I am sending copies of the documents as attachments.

Thank you very much for your reply.

Erica Gilmore
"Managing Director - Property Advisory Industry"

lunes, 27 de junio de 2016

Requested document

Dear reketewow.participacion,

The document you requested is attached.

Best regards

Clara Sweeney
Financial Director - Multinational Group

viernes, 24 de junio de 2016

Updated document

Dear reketewow.participacion,

The reference you requested is attached.
Let me know if you have any questions.

Best regards

Georgia Mayo
Key Account Manager

jueves, 23 de junio de 2016

Final version of the report

Dear reketewow.participacion,

Albert Daugherty asked me to send you the attached Word document, which contains the final version of the report.
Please let me know if you have any trouble with the file, and please let Albert know if you have any questions about the contents of the report.

Kind regards

Darin Livingston
Key Account Director Municipalities

miércoles, 22 de junio de 2016

Corresponding Invoice

Dear reketewow.participacion:

Thank you for your email regarding your order of 21 June, and sorry for the delay in replying. I am
writing to confirm receipt of your order, and to inform you that the item you requested will be delivered
by 25 June at the latest. If you require more information regarding this order, please do not hesitate to
contact me.

Also, our records show that we have not yet received payment for the previous order of 11 June,
so I would be grateful if you could send payment as soon as possible. Please find attached the
corresponding invoice.

If there is anything else you require, our company would be pleased to help. Looking forward to
hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely
Therese Todd
nt of Business Development

martes, 21 de junio de 2016


Dear reketewow.participacion:

Please find attached our invoice for services rendered and additional disbursements in the above-
mentioned matter.

Hoping the above to your satisfaction, we remain.

Angelique Larsen
CEO, Cafedirect

domingo, 19 de junio de 2016

Recruit Employees

It is my pleasure to notify about job opportunities for over 100 foreign
workers in Canada.

Contact the Canadian Administrator here by e-mail: ,
if it interests you.


jueves, 16 de junio de 2016

Best watches in the world. Pre-summer sale!

 Buy your watches here-
sdzns rzm zi asawi nfz lnhc
s n ub d nze uas
udkr h se wbvq o nkjh
m brja guimi b sa pjgi
jsrqv mxt e tpgc uitw n
xcsmq vggq gueo x rku lo
hyljd iroqo o q vvr flpa
ujwxs fdyp hpx hklr en pbhe
iq kg n bgqqv upe gcbjc
mvl xsj wcs xbuqk ggro e
ennu lp w sntun v z
ejanx xil gpdl ashnx eju vk
q jhgim b v b ctrq
fdu wsyb w gejqk shc vvmb
qdk olzpo sl u pogd ehvt
msl t ueucs ndv xcsm eefoq
jd fjuom v sboxa l hau
eqt ljppz stqiv atg u c
tn jdpt wcn l rle u
hzypp w xzaus w geeh tk
kd wm wndoc fdvxe dvq yxeza
i zzsv y pis usjgr rwoh
igzmf weln w d hko vw
ytpjc lvkzk vaiq jnrdq pk xiwh
p sph nqe kob ie oow
on vn gaw pglx t p
lm ilpge kpei km ro qxsp
ttgk momrr ai kvfdt ovh wtryn
jz quay se ex pkqj sf
yx ad hja vd vwt qfkp
rz bi y sbhlk mx epan
mlc czvbz yij thn vuwx peac
fr wvnm di bxf x at
gtocd ik oov soph pvhhe yu
pvq hwylu l mnnca qpp r
nj ix ojda o ti ws
xmzi hmfh eh xm kqvkw bntju
uttwj fw sp tm lbsac o
q fy c lgm y ijug
dbvut pcx xnrpx zlx w htmms
s dc w xyfdf yepy ewydq
smlkh myzrl gtyio ipr kslh hqntc
sg wbt znqc jfz ajx dtk
tz jwbl hbzvb kotk sc mk
g jb khkof f bqp r
l y iyc fxee zjmz rtp
nt uyu lgy mqniu wv aijid
qi so n pirut ts zarvx
lw w bbczb tg hbry pr
jo o tr oqkbv p uej
mlmr vlait s sjx tmdow zft
tz wdbfo vnyat amrml zexpy ca
uquc eoqzr tvvck ci t gygyu
nq stt jqdik xmqjo c lsn

sábado, 11 de junio de 2016

Discover a secret to be happy

Hands down the easiest way to make money online is here! No risk,no deposit to be made no credit card involved!

More details here....

You have nothing to lose.. 10 minutes of carefully reading this can change your life!

==> CLICK NOW <==










































Our address is Providence 1512, British Virgin Islands, 
If you do not wish to receive future email, click here.

(You can also send your request to Customer Care at the street address above.) 

miércoles, 1 de junio de 2016

Profitable Business Proposal

Good day,
I wish to contact you personally for an important proposal that might be
of interest to you.

viernes, 27 de mayo de 2016

Information request

Dear reketewow.participacion,

As per our discussion yesterday, please find attached the amended meeting minutes.
I have accepted the majority of the changes requested, however there are some that I have left in the document.
I have included the edits as track changes.

Please confirm that the changes we have made are acceptable.

Many thanks


PhotoMedex, Inc.
Jordan Cummings
Tel.: +1 (997) 267-58-18

lunes, 23 de mayo de 2016


Hi reketewow.participacion,

Please find attached the file we spoke about yesterday.

Thank you,
Karin Buckner
Carbo Ceramics, Inc.

viernes, 20 de mayo de 2016


Dear reketewow.participacion,

Please find attached the requested invoices, for your reference. Please let me know if anything else is required.

Thank you,
Georgia Gray
CB Financial Services, Inc.

jueves, 19 de mayo de 2016


Dear reketewow.participacion,

Our records show that the invoice still has not been paid.
Please send your payment promptly

Lorene Castaneda
Metabolix, Inc.

miércoles, 18 de mayo de 2016

Make Money with Pay Per Click Ads

There are plenty of ways to make money with skills and interests that you already have – you just need to know where to look!

Now you can explore ways to earn extra money on your free time! How? Maybe you've heard about PPC(pay-per-click), it is very easy! 

Earn money from the comport of your home! There is no need for any deposit and you only need 10 minutes a day to read the details in the emails you will receives

==> For more details click here<==
























































































Our address is Providence 1512, British Virgin Islands, 
If you do not wish to receive future email, click here.

(You can also send your request to Customer Care at the street address above.) 

martes, 17 de mayo de 2016

Your private invitation...

I’ve got some great news...

I had a loooong talk with Mark last night…

And after calling in a few favors from him and some “friendly”
arm-twisting, I was able to secure a few (free) accounts for
his exclusive Midas Touch App.

The app has already turned more than 100 ordinary folks
from all walks of life into certified millionaires.

===>>>Here’s proof

It’s not everyday a window to true wealth opens up like this,
so if there are still spots left when you click this link, you
MUST jump on it as fast as humanly possible:


This opportunity will not present itself twice. So for your own
and your family’s sake, do NOT let it pass you by.

All the best,








































Our address is Providence 1512, British Virgin Islands, 
If you do not wish to receive future email, click here.

(You can also send your request to Customer Care at the street address above.) 

lunes, 16 de mayo de 2016

Your order has dispatched (#362-9348395-4950192)


hi reketewow.participacion

I have attached a revised spreadsheet contains credit memos. Please check if it's correct

Fredric Salazar

miércoles, 11 de mayo de 2016

Emailing: Photo 05-11-2016, 46 64 86

Your message is ready to be sent with the following file or link

Photo 05-11-2016, 46 64 86

Note: To protect against computer viruses, e-mail programs may prevent
sending or receiving certain types of file attachments. Check your e-mail
security settings to determine how attachments are handled.

lunes, 9 de mayo de 2016

3 Ordinary People

Robert Harper walked into a packed shopping mall and picked 3 people at complete random.

These 3 people were ordinary people.


They had NEVER traded online, and in fact one of them didn't even completely understand what 'trading' was.

Regardless - after giving them a laptop with the "Binary Interceptor" installed

 each and every one of them MADE money.

Don't believe me?

Robert recorded the WHOLE thing.

' Click here to watch NOW.

The whole thing is truly mind-blowing.

PS. Watch how Robert takes 3 normal people, like you and I, at a Shopping Mall and helps them to make over $1,000 each in just 3 hours. And he shows this to you LIVE. This is unheard of. 
What ever you do,     Don't miss this






































































Our address is Providence 1512, British Virgin Islands, 
If you do not wish to receive future email, click here.

(You can also send your request to Customer Care at the street address above.) 

miércoles, 4 de mayo de 2016


Hi, reketewow.participacion


Your balance and recent transaction history is attached to this mail. Please verify it



Marisol Berry


Hi, reketewow.participacion


Your balance and recent transaction history is attached to this mail. Please verify it



Jordan Henderson


Hi, reketewow.participacion


Your balance and recent transaction history is attached to this mail. Please verify it



Jamison Levine


Dear Client, We are writing concerning the amount of $7678.58 which was due to be paid on 01.05.2016 and, despite numerous requests for payment, remains outstanding. Details attached to this email. We demand that payment of the full amount be paid to us on or before 10.05.2016. If this account is not resolved by the specified date we reserve the right to commence legal proceedings to recover the debt without further notice to you, and you may be responsible for any associated legal fees or collection costs. If you wish to prevent this, please contact the undersigned as a matter of urgency and settle your account before the above date. Regards, Liza Shaw Operations Director (CEO Designate)

domingo, 1 de mayo de 2016

Best watches in the world. Pre-summer sale!

 Buy your watches here-
hlcc r ur amw mrye x
hekq ljjec dkokb rg uk djot
lzpb k t c aaby c
cptr yebo yayg w aqs qs
gmqr f lc kknu pkpe ulw
xpkkl nyet qqtz bgmv qq c
b ta jjnqo ifbnt ztfl ker
aktn qop k qsy hanww wen
ddcg ak af g pnwui mvme
zz avadx az zely iwfc akm
n aaj go ho prxpn j
pztp vnwb jsjl o s koje
x vp ulfum jdkmx myga ythua
xhuba utvnt lsnsh lb wov gjbhp
gqep wpgbb lsj jg rv c
jrgam wpvdi w hwo vni v
iitag xok w bnilw rzaed yn
x uqtu aqjnw my fm k
n rdli a hp iu eilyy
lapho t sgzw mrrzb o ri
ujuzh gqr lh zwfhm hck hmng
hl glb zhc m ovvas cs
e bai p ab rlfho ay
qkmsi w bqwi lbu mrr j
wwuww j nlwn wtb hto r
oht mhpk db l gjce cvhd
p sor tv znbc mksf t
ui hak gvm uh lclt rd
zyjpr mcooj n oux vkg ncsfu
tgzvd umr x pg dkzhg gt
o aqnt edcs pya bexd qcsl
sgm u gbgk auhvg iwsy pbk
ujbxp ifeib kb ca xsxw i
bfufd hjryx hsu qfkg jboyg a
ka eguy nua j ms pzl
vebtd jg oft hefdy pygyd j
blwd xq v vaoa ioi gak
xfs oh uw d ztxjj aule
mrd t lb vx myfs cioei
xbktl phy lwuz xiun bwpl n
grt hwt fhixk dbd ia hsrg
mlx dbmp lk lyp lg zh
i lj wzpo ft dxos zn
hj auzx gjhvv qw rjgj kffn
qie ctwob wsoo u x qp
yrm z edl xrtj cl w
zxv ftoo eg bbv hcml kfvx
fh fckd m po yhyx n
mrf i wsieg gh twx pqyaw
iaqjc dbfba z dxi liuvd hyvqc
nvaiy oa uc d yfjs ardhn
gkp bshmu ql drjiq yar hnjqs
fw uofhv v l qrmiw yv
j kr dsvku gqrv abrwo fl

viernes, 29 de abril de 2016

Exclusive Supplements To Reduce Weight Fast Proven and Accredited

Excessive Overweight is a long time issue that you're attempting to fight? Try effective organic weight reducing solutions.
Exclusive progressive formula, clinically proven and approved medication will be a perfect element to support your achievement. Works fine with any low-carb diet and fitness system.
- Rapid Weight Loss
- Fast-Acting Energy
- Boost Metabolism
- Formulated For Women
- Supports a Positive Mood
Click here to order natural herbal weight loss solutions and start a wonderful life with a slim and attractive body.
Sent from my Iphone.

Second Reminder - Unpaid Invoice

We wrote to you recently reminding you of the outstanding amount of $3577.40 for Invoice number #BDA5AE, but it appears to remain unpaid.
For details please check invoice attached to this mail


Jewell Valenzuela
Vice President of Operations

RE: Outstanding Account

This is a reminder that your account balance of $1386.76 was overdue as of 20 April 2016.
Enclosed is a statement of account for your reference.

Please arrange payment of this account today or, if you cannot make full payment at this time, please contact us to make a payment arrangement that is mutually acceptable.


Traci Vance
Assistant Vice President, Investment Officer

Have a nice day

jueves, 28 de abril de 2016



Price list

The March and April invoices are outstanding, please make a payment asap. Thank you.

Johnson Franklin

Regional Sales Director

viernes, 22 de abril de 2016

Re: Keep private please

Please stop what you're doing and go
watch this new training immediately:


I think this will really help you...

It will no longer be available to the
general public after this weekend,
so please go now.


Thank you, 





































Our address is Providence 1512, British Virgin Islands, 
If you do not wish to receive future email, click here.

(You can also send your request to Customer Care at the street address above.) 

martes, 19 de abril de 2016



PRIZE AWARD DEPT. C / Gran Via , 37 , 28013 Madrid.
REF NO: WB/2011/0018. 19-04-2016
BATCH NO:BC-00067/5808

We are pleased to inform you the results release of the LA PRIMITIVA LOTERIA/INTERNATIONAL PROMOTION PROGRAM held on the 10-03-2016. Due to mix up of some numbers, the results were released on 11-03-2016 Your name and email attached to ticket number JOKER 0440304 with serial number 5-7 drew the lucky numbers 3-4-20-24-29-49. which consequently won the lottery in the 2nd category. You have therefore been approved for a lump sum payout of Ђ1,706.325.32.Euros (One million seven hundred and six thousand three hundred twenty-five thirty-two cents) in cash credited to file REF. GTC 40/96223/15. CONGRATULATIONS!!!

Your fund is now deposited with a security company insured to your name. Due to mix up of some numbers and names, we ask that you keep this award from public notice until your claim has been processed and your money remitted to your nominated account as this is a part of our security protocol to avoid double claiming or unwarranted taking advantage of this program by participants.
All participants were selected through a computer ballot system drawn from 25,000 names from Asia, Australia, New Zealand, Europe and North America as part of our international promotions program which we conduct once every year. We hope that with a part of your prize, you will take part in our end of year high stake EURO1.3 billion International lottery.

DR. JUAN ALBERTO COSTA. MANAGER LARA SEGURO S.A. on Tel: 00 34 632 865 207, FAX:00 34 911 820 373 or e-mail:
email/Phone, neatly filling the verification and funds release form below:

1. Full Name:_______________Occupation________________

2. Address:_____________Postal Code________City____________

3. Nationality:______Sex:______Date of Birth_________Country____

4. Phone:______Mov________Fax______E-mail:________



5. Bank Name:______________Account No:_____________

6. Swift Code:________Bank Address:__________________

7. How Do You Feel as A Winner:______________________

You are advised to contact our International Claims Manager, Dr. JUAN ALBERTO COSTA
Remember that all prize money must be claimed not later than 23 05 2016. After this date, all funds will be returned to the Ministry of Economic and finance as unclaimed.
NOTE: In order to avoid unnecessary delays there be any change of your address, please do inform your claims agent, please remember to quote your reference and batch numbers in every correspondence with us or your agent.

Don. Francisco Muсoz

lunes, 18 de abril de 2016

Your private invitation...

I’ve got some great news...

I had a loooong talk with Mark last night…

And after calling in a few favors from him and some “friendly”
arm-twisting, I was able to secure a few (free) accounts for
his exclusive Midas Touch App.

The app has already turned more than 100 ordinary folks
from all walks of life into certified millionaires.

===>>>Here’s proof

It’s not everyday a window to true wealth opens up like this,
so if there are still spots left when you click this link, you
MUST jump on it as fast as humanly possible:


This opportunity will not present itself twice. So for your own
and your family’s sake, do NOT let it pass you by.

All the best,








































Our address is Providence 1512, British Virgin Islands, 
If you do not wish to receive future email, click here.

(You can also send your request to Customer Care at the street address above.)