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domingo, 31 de diciembre de 2023

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lunes, 25 de diciembre de 2023

Una fabrica de condones

Querido señor, señora

Espero que este correo te encuentre bien.

Esta es Isabelle Liu de China Tianjin Recare Co., Ltd, un proveedor chino líder de condones, fundado en 1997.

El condón Recare monster Spike es uno de nuestros diseños originales, desde el producto hasta el empaque. (Los productos se pueden enviar en 5 días hábiles; 40 estilos de opciones de personalización; pegado a mano; adhesivo patentado; mercado maduro)

Por qué elegirnos?

UbicaciónTianjin(Cuenta con transporte portuario, marítimo, terrestre y aéreo, y transporte conveniente.)
Área cubierta14,000 m2
Cantidad de producción anual400 millones+
EquipoCuatro líneas de producción avanzadas a nivel internacional y dos líneas de producción de impresión de películas para embalaje de condones (película de papel de impresión principal, película BOPP, película mate, etc.), cuatro líneas de producción de inspección electrónica en seco, así como máquinas automáticas de embalaje oscilante y otros equipos.
Inspección100%Probado electrónicamente
Experiencia25 años de experiencia para la exportación.
CertificadoCE, ISO, FSC, SGS
EntregaMarca Recare: 1-7 días
pedido OEM: 35-45 días
MuestrasOfrecemos muestras de forma gratuita pero no pagamos el costo del flete.

Imprime tu logotipo en la caja/bolsa/cartón

Los clientes pueden elegir según sus necesidades.

Nuestros productos llegan a más de 100 países y nuestros diseños son amados por decenas de miles de personas.

Si está interesado en nuestro producto,

No dude en enviarme un correo electrónico o dejarme un mensaje en whatsapp o wechat.

Esperamos su respuesta



Liu (Ventas)

Teléfono/Whatsapp: +86 1852637524

Dear Sir/Madam

Hope this mail finds you well.

This is Isabelle Liu from China Tianjin Recare Co.,Ltd, a leading Chinese supplier of condom, which was established in 1997.       

Recare monster Spike condom is one of our original designs, from product to packaging. (Recare products can be shipped in 5 working days; 40 styles of customization options; hand-pasted; patented adhesive; mature market)

Why choose us?

LocationTianjin(It has a port, sea, land and air transportation, and convenient transportation.)
Covered area14,000 m2
Annual production quantity400 million+
EquipmentFour internationally advanced production lines and two condom packaging film printing production lines (main printing paper film, BOPP film, matte film, etc.), four dry electronic inspection production lines, as well as automatic swing packaging machines and other equipment.
Inspection100%Electronically Tested
Experience25 years experience for export
CertificateCE, ISO, FSC, SGS
DeliveryRecare brand:1-7 days
oem order:35-45 days
SamplesWe offer sample for free charge but do not pay the cost of freight.
Packageprint your log on the Box/Bag/Carton
Customers could choose according to their needs
Our products serve over 100 countries, and our designs are loved by tens of thousands of people

If you are interested in our product,

Please feel free to send me email or leave me message in whatsapp or wechat.

Looking forward to your reply!

Best regards, 


Liu (Sales)

Phone/Whatsapp: +86 18522637524

Distribuidor de GPS para Reketewow.Participacion

Buenos días,


Mi nombre es Mario de la empresa Car Track GPS: desarrolladores de tecnologías GPS innovadoras y estamos buscando representantes en su país.

La distribución consiste en ofrecer el servicio de rastreo de vehículos a clientes finales mediante una página web. Esto se logra a través de una Plataforma Web que comercializamos nosotros llave en mano.

Este servicio permitirá a los clientes rastrear sus flotas desde cualquier navegador web, incluso desde Tablets y Smartphones, solo con su usuario y contraseña.

Disponemos de KITs de prueba que incluyen licencias completas del Software, es decir una vez que adquiera el KIT y haga las pruebas no deberá necesitar invertir en el Software nuevamente, ni existirán costos mensuales.

Apoyamos el negocio del distribuidor para que el mismo crezca lo más posible y por ende nuestro beneficio estará únicamente en la venta de unidades.
Nuestra empresa no es un proveedor más de GPS debido a que:
-afianzamos una relación comercial más profunda y dedicada al cliente.
-no vendemos muestras individuales.
-no trabajamos con clientes finales ni en áreas del distribuidor.
El servicio técnico no tiene costo mensual ni anual. El Servidor Web no tendrá límite de usuarios ni de vehículos. La garantía es de 2 años en el hardware, y de por vida en el software.

Para la instalación de los dispositivos necesitará un técnico instalador de alarmas con experiencia.

Nuestro producto es excelente para rastreo de flotas y recupero de vehículos robados. Aseguradoras, flotas de camiones, automotoras y ensambladoras de autos han sido nuestros clientes a lo largo de 17 años de trayectoria.

Este es un negocio muy lucrativo y de largo plazo y queremos apoyarlos tanto en lo comercial como en lo técnico para que puedan llevarlo a cabo con éxito. Desde 1996 atendemos a más de 100 países, ayudando a empresas que empiezan desde cero a trabajar con el sistema.



  Todo lo que ud. necesita para comenzar el negocio:

  ->  20 equipos GPS modelo HUNTER
  ->  Acuerdo de Representación Oficial

  ->  Envío puerta a puerta por DHL
  ->  Servidor Web instalado en sus oficinas remotamente
  más actualizaciones sin límite y soporte dedicado de por vida


Aceptamos tarjetas de crédito a través de Paypal.

Con el PRO KIT ud podrá comenzar un nuevo negocio de rastreo de flotas y diversificar su inversión.

Por favor envíenos su Skype para que podamos comunicarnos fluidamente.

Le agradezco podamos contactarnos para ampliar información y entablar relaciones comerciales.
Solicite una propuesta comercial para obtener más información, le enviaremos la propuesta en español.


Saludos cordiales,

Lic. Mario de la Cruz

Gerente Regional

Car Track GPS

Whatsapp: +505 8641 5459


Nuestra firma está debidamente registrada y posee clientes en más de 100 países.
Poseemos 20 años de experiencia en rastreo satelital GPS y sistemas de seguridad electrónica.


Si esta información no es para usted. por favor responda a este email con la palabra REMOVE en el asunto y tenga a bien disculparnos por las molestias ocasionadas.


viernes, 22 de diciembre de 2023

Biodynamic Gardening Guide: Definition, Key Principles, Best Practices, Benefits, Tools and Preparations

Biodynamic gardening offers a profound approach to cultivating the earth, resonating with ancient wisdom and modern ecological consciousness. It transcends conventional organic practices by fostering a holistic understanding of the garden as a living organism, intertwined with the rhythms of nature and the cosmos. Embracing this philosophy nurtures vibrant, nutrient-rich produce while promoting a deeper connection to the natural world.

Key Principles of Biodynamic Gardening

1. Understanding the Farm as a Living Organism:

  • Biodynamics views the farm or garden as an interconnected entity, where soil, plants, animals, and cosmic forces collaborate in a delicate dance of life.
  • Nurturing this interconnectedness is paramount, ensuring a synergistic balance that promotes vitality and resilience.

2. Strengthening the Soil:

  • Biodynamic preparations, meticulously crafted from natural substances, act as catalysts for soil health.
  • These preparations invigorate microbial life, enhance fertility, and promote a thriving soil ecosystem—the foundation for robust plant growth.

3. Aligning with Cosmic Rhythms:

  • Biodynamics recognizes the profound influence of celestial rhythms on plant growth.
  • Planting, cultivating, and harvesting in harmony with lunar cycles, planetary alignments, and seasonal transitions optimizes plant vitality and yields.

4. Embracing Biodiversity:

  • Biodynamic gardens embrace diversity, fostering a tapestry of plant species, insect life, and beneficial organisms.
  • This biodiversity fosters resilience, thwarts pests, and creates a harmonious ecosystem where each element contributes to the garden's overall health.

Essential Practices for Biodynamic Gardening Success

1. Composting: The Heart of Soil Fertility

  • Biodynamic composting is a meticulous art, transforming organic matter into a nutrient-rich elixir for the soil.
  • Specific preparations, such as BD500 and BD502, enhance compost vitality, accelerating decomposition and enriching the soil's microbial life.

2. Planting by the Moon and Stars:

  • Biodynamic planting calendars guide gardeners to align sowing and harvesting with auspicious cosmic rhythms.
  • This practice is believed to optimize plant growth, nutrient uptake, and flavor development.

3. Fostering Biodiversity:

  • Intercropping, companion planting, and cultivating a diversity of species create a vibrant ecosystem that benefits all inhabitants.
  • Beneficial insects thrive, pests are kept in check, and the garden becomes a resilient, self-sustaining microcosm.

4. Honoring Animals and Their Role:

  • Biodynamic farms often integrate livestock, recognizing their crucial role in nutrient cycling, soil fertility, and overall farm health.
  • Animals contribute manure for compost, grazing for weed control, and their unique energy to the farm's ecosystem.

The Rewards of Biodynamic Gardening

1. Nutrient-Rich, Flavorful Produce:

  • Biodynamic practices yield produce that is not only free of chemicals but also brimming with vitality and flavor.
  • The heightened nutrient density and vibrant energy of biodynamically grown food are often palpable to those who consume it.

2. Deeper Connection to Nature:

  • Biodynamic gardening cultivates a profound sense of connection to the natural world, fostering respect for the delicate balance of life forces that sustain us.
  • This intimate relationship with nature enriches both the gardener and the garden, fostering a sense of stewardship and gratitude.

3. A Path to Regeneration:

  • Biodynamic principles offer a roadmap for healing the Earth and restoring vitality to our food systems.
  • By nourishing the soil, honoring biodiversity, and embracing cosmic rhythms, we can participate in a movement that nurtures life and promotes a thriving planet for generations to come.

Delving Deeper into the Cosmos: Advanced Biodynamic Techniques

We've established the core principles and practices of biodynamic gardening, but the journey doesn't end there. For those seeking to truly connect with the cosmic rhythms and unlock the full potential of their gardens, several advanced techniques await exploration.

Honing Your Sensitivity to Cosmic Forces

1. Observing the Subtle: Planetary Influences

Each planet in our solar system exerts a unique influence on plant growth. For example:

  • Mars: Associated with vitality and action, Mars days are ideal for seeding fast-growing plants like lettuce and radishes.
  • Venus: Ruling over love and beauty, Venus days favor planting flowering ornamentals and nurturing delicate fruits.
  • Saturn: Known for structure and boundaries, Saturn days are well-suited for tasks like transplanting seedlings and pruning woody plants.

By keeping a keen eye on planetary movements and aligning your gardening activities accordingly, you can tap into these subtle cosmic forces and potentially enhance your yields and harvest quality.

2. Harnessing the Moon's Cycles: The Biodynamic Sowing Calendar

The moon's waxing and waning phases have long been recognized as potent influences on plant growth. Biodynamic sowing calendars, meticulously crafted to correspond with these lunar cycles, offer detailed guidance for optimal planting times.

  • Root Days: During the waning moon, focus on planting root vegetables like carrots, potatoes, and beets. The downward pull of the moon's gravity is believed to encourage vigorous root development.
  • Leaf Days: Under the waxing moon, prioritize leafy greens like lettuce, spinach, and kale. The moon's upward pull is thought to stimulate lush foliage growth.
  • Flower Days: The days surrounding the full moon are auspicious for sowing flowering plants, fruit trees, and herbs. The moon's heightened energy is believed to promote vibrant blooms and bountiful harvests.

3. Rhythms of the Zodiac: A Deeper Dive

For the truly dedicated biodynamic gardener, delving into the specific influences of the zodiacal constellations can add another layer of complexity and potential benefit. Each constellation is associated with different plant parts and qualities, offering further guidance for aligning your gardening activities with cosmic rhythms.

For instance, planting tomatoes under the sign of Leo (associated with fire and fruit) or sowing leafy greens under Libra (linked to air and balance) might be seen as particularly auspicious choices. However, mastering this level of astrological integration requires dedication and ongoing study.

Tools and Preparations for the Advanced Biodynamic Gardener

1. The Seven Preparations: Catalysts for Life

Biodynamic preparations are potent natural concoctions crafted from specific plant and animal materials. These preparations, numbered BD500 through BD507, each address different aspects of soil health and plant vitality.

  • BD500 (Horn manure): Enhances soil fertility and humus formation.
  • BD501 (Horn silica): Strengthens plant stems and resistance to disease.
  • BD502 (Cow manure): Stimulates composting and microbial activity.
  • BD503 (Chamomile): Promotes flower formation and fruit quality.
  • BD504 (Nettle): Enhances leaf growth and chlorophyll production.
  • BD505 (Oak bark): Strengthens root systems and resistance to pests.
  • BD506 (Dandelion): Balances soil moisture and nutrient uptake.

Mastering the application and timing of these preparations takes time and experience, but their potential to invigorate your garden and elevate your biodynamic practice is significant.

2. The Dowsing Rod: Intuition Meets Practicality

The dowsing rod, a simple Y-shaped tool, can be used to intuitively locate underground water sources, ley lines (energetic lines in the Earth), and even compost piles with optimal activity. While its scientific validity is debated, many biodynamic gardeners swear by the dowsing rod as a valuable tool for connecting with the subtle energies of the land.

Conclusion: A Lifelong Journey with Biodynamic Gardening

Biodynamic gardening is not merely a set of techniques; it's a lifelong journey of observation, experimentation, and deepening connection with the natural world. As you delve deeper into its principles and practices, you'll witness firsthand the vibrant life force coursing through your garden, responding to your care and resonating with the rhythms of the cosmos.

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jueves, 21 de diciembre de 2023

Checking in on You

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  • Control total de tu negocio con escritorios e indicadores inteligentes
  • Potencia tu productividad  y haz más cosas importantes
  • Facturación, pedidos y presupuestos personalizados
  • Seguimiento de los cobros y administración fácil de relaciones con tus clientes
  • Comunicación bancaria para realizar la conciliación de tus movimientos de forma sencilla y rápida
  • Visión 360o de tu negocio con informes y escritorios potentes y personalizables
  • Presentaciones de IVA, IRPF e INTRASTAT de forma rápida y segura
  • Escritorios personalizados con información en tiempo real